Volunteer at Motueka High School

Like to volunteer at Motueka High School?

Thank you for being interested in volunteering and supporting our school.

Please select the category and email the contact provided or call into the school office and fill out a form.

SPORT – interested in being a coach, manager, or help with sport –please email:   sport@motuekahigh.school.nz

PTA - interested in helping with events at MHS including the School Ball and Parent evenings, or providing baking for school events such as Open Evening, please email::

pta@motuekahigh.school.nz or admin@motuekahigh.school.nz


Please email Mel.Stewart@motuekahigh.school.nz or admin@motuekahigh.school.nz

​​​​​​​Please note that any unsupervised work with students will require a Police check.