Motueka High School offers a large number of diverse events throughout the year. A small sample includes:
… and the list just goes on!
Learn to Sew/Knit/Crochet/Quilt/Upcycle classes
Classes are all on Saturday 27 April:
9am – 10.45am Learn to Crochet
Or Sewing basics
11am - 12.45pm Learn to Knit
Or Sewing 2 (hemming etc)
1.30pm - 4.30pm Upcycling clothing
Or Learn to Quilt
Or Sewing 1 & 2
PAYMENT NECESSARY TO SECURE BOOKING. Payment can be made at school office or direct to: NBS 03 1354 0289 467-00 reference SEW and your full name please.
Ensure your payment is made by 25 April so we can see your payment details and organise adequate space for everyone. Minimum numbers required for classes and a maximum will also apply to ensure there are plenty of tutors.
Learn to Crochet: learn the basic stitches and make a small item. Cost $10 (bring your own crochet hook and wool) or cost $20 (you will receive a crochet hook and wool to take home after the class)
Sewing 1: learn about different sewing needles and thread, try different stitches and learn which stitich is best for different uses. Make a hair scrunchie from scratch and take home. Cost $10 (bring your own needles, thread and materials) or cost $20 (you will receive needles, thread and fabric)
Learn to Knit: learn basic stitches: plain and purl, how to cast on and off, do a rib and make a small sampler. Cost $10 (bring your own wool and knitting needles, or if you wish to make a washcloth bring 10ply cotton) or $20 (you will receive a set of knitting needles and wool/cotton) and make a small item eg wash cloth or sampler.
Sewing 2: how to put up a hem, sew buttons and different techniques, bring an item that needs hemming. You can either hand sew the hem or use a school sewing machine. OR: How to use a sewing machine, needles, bobbins, stitches, tension, etc, different stitches and using a sewing machine to hem or mend a small item. You need to bring your own items and we will supply needles, thread, etc, plus school sewing machines. Cost $10
Learn to Quilt: learning about suitable fabrics, different styles of quilting, how to join fabrics neatly and the basics of quilting. Start on your first quilt. Cost $20 includes thread and fabrics.
Upcycling: how to upcycle clothes that have holes or have frayed using embroidery techniques, patches, applique, etc. Samples of upcycled projects and make a start on your own project.
Cost $10 (bring your own denim eg jeans/jacket, etc and materials) or $20 (everything supplied, however we can’t guarantee item will fit, so best to bring your own if possible).
N.B. Minimum numbers required for classes and a maximum will also apply to ensure there are plenty of tutors. Hot and cold drinks supplied, bring your own lunch/snacks. All classes held in the Fabric rooms at Motueka High School, entrance via Whakarewa Street. Email the school for any questions
Motueka High School
Te Kura Tuarua o Motueka
Today's Learners, Tomorrow's Leaders
Whakarewa Street, Motueka 7120
Private Bag 1001, Motueka 7143
Phone +64 (0)3 528 9050
Office hours
8.30am - 4.15pm Monday to Friday (term time)
School Information