Motueka High School Archive

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Alumni If you are an Alumni of Motueka High School, we welcome your contributions to our listing. 

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1902 Motueka District High School first opened

First School Motto: Honor Nostrae Scolae (The Good Name of Our School)

1920's to 1940's

1923 Dux: Lenora Knapp

1925 Dux: Rowland Talbot  Proxme Accessit: Claude H Holyoake

1927 Dux: Ian C Greensill Proxime Accessit: Beryl Inwood/Lenora Knapp

1929 Dux: Blanche York  Head Prefect: Laura Ingram

​​​​​​​1930 Dux: Monica Parker  Proxime Accessit: Betsy Lyon

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​1931 Dux: Violet Sinclair   Proxime Accesit: Leslie Wise

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​1932 Dux: Thelma Cain   Proxime Accessit: Ina Fawcett

1932 New School Motto: Qui Patitur Vincit (He who perseveres succeeds)

​​​​​​​1933 Dux: Ula Goodman  Proxime Accessit: Stuart Wratt

1934 Dux: Ethelwyn Green   Proxime Accessit: Keith Starnes

1935 Dux: Joe Senior   Proxime Accessit: Margaret Scott/John Woodley

1936 Dux: Alan Weir

1937 Dux: L Evans   Proxime Accessit: Ruth Masters​​​​​​​

​​​​​​​1938 Dux: Shirley Jones  Proxime Accessit: WA Sparks/J Vickerman

1939 Dux: Peggy Russell   Proxime Accessit: Ken Leigh

1940 Dux: Alison Barr   Proxime Accessit: Bertram York

1941  Dux: B Robertson   Proxime Accessit: MJ Smith

1942  Dux: Rhona Gaudin

1943   Dux: Irene Hodge   Proxime Accessit: Leonard Wilson

1944   Dux: Cyril Wright   Proxime Accessit: Eric Cederman

​​​​​​​1945  -


​​​​​​​1950's School Coat of Arms


February 1955, the new High School opens with a roll of 333 pupils.   The school was officially opened by the late Hon C K Skinner on 12 March 1955.

Evening School classes started.

​​​​​​​1955 Head Girl: Jeanette Kenning, Head Boy: John Webley

​​​​​​​1955 School Leavers


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​1956 Head Girl: Cushla Brereton, Head Boy: Lloyd Goodall

​​​​​​​1956 School Leavers


​​​​​​​1957 Head Prefects: Joan Miller and Lloyd Goodall

1957 School Leavers​​​​​​​​​​​​​


1958 Head Girl Margaret Eddie, Head Boy Ewen Martin

​​​​​​​1958 School Leavers


1959 Head Boy: John Kolff, Head Girl Dulcie McNabb

1959 School Leavers


1960 Head Girl: Allison Hall, Head Boy: Lindsay Murray​​​​​​​


​​​​​​​1961 Head Girl: Helen Goodall, Head Boy: Allan Chang


1962 Dux: Noel Alexander  Head Girl: Beverly Carson, Head Boy: Ron Heath

1963 â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

1963 Dux: Judith Beere  Head Girl: Dinah Tait, Head Boy: Brian Allred

1964 â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

1964 Dux: Imelda Cosgrove


1965 Dux: Isabel Thompson Head Girl: Penelope Thorp, Head Boy: Peter Robinson

1966​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​

1966 Dux: David Wratt Head Girl: Penelope Thorp, Head Boy: Geoffrey Milnes


1967 Dux: Carolyn Cederman Head Girl: Olwyn Haycock, Head Boy: Graeme Black


1968 Dux: Dianne Trewavas Head Prefect: Arch Campbell


1969 Dux: Linley MacLean Head Prefect: Shirley Simpson


1970 Dux: David Hurd Head Girl: Linda Cock, Head Boy: Bruce Bennett​​​​​​​


1971 Dux: Claire Taylor Head Girl: Claire Taylor, Head Boy: Peter Ryder​​​​​​​


1972 Dux: Gloria Stevens  Head Girl: Niki Bennett, Head Boy: Stan Rowell


1973 School Dux: Sylvia Vriend. Head Girl: Lynley Fry, Head Boy: Keith Wratt


1974 Dux: Jennifer Barrett  â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹Head Girl: Susan George, Head Boy: David Beatson


1975 Dux: Christopher Hilder.  Head Prefect: Cathy Robson


1976 Dux: Wendy Gardener.  Head Prefect: Paul Bennett


1977 Dux: Colin Tait 


​​​​​​​1978 Dux: Michael Parkinson


​​​​​​​1979 Dux: Viviana Fon


1980 Dux: Colin Fry


​​​​​​​1981 Dux: Brenda Walker


1982 Dux: Norman Hadfield

1983  Dux: Peter Bourne-Webb

​​​​​​​1984  Dux: Scott Thompson

1985  Dux:  David Shuker

​​​​​​​1986  Dux: Troy Lipsham

​​​​​​​1987  Dux: Samuel Newton

​​​​​​​1988  Dux: Anna Walls

1989  Dux: Mark Winstanley

​​​​​​​1990  Dux: Angela Stratford

1991  Dux: Raelene Bolton

1992  Dux: Marama Howell

1993  Dux: Sarah Taylor

​​​​​​​1994  Dux: Bruce Kelly

​​​​​​​1995  Dux: Campbell McQuarrie

​​​​​​​1996  Dux: Andres James

1997  Dux: David Lowe

​​​​​​​1998  Dux: Janna Nikkel

1999  Dux: Fred Woodcock

​​​​​​​2000  Dux: Lucas Nikkel